Signs You Need Treatment For Shopping Addiction, And What That Treatment Involves

Most people buy something they don't need now and then. Almost everyone makes the occasional purchasing mistake or overspends from time to time. But then, there are individuals who take this to the extreme. They simply cannot stop buying — even if they don't have the cash, and even if they don't need anything. These people are often struggling with something called shopping addiction, and treatment through pyschotherapy services is typically the only solution. So what are some signs that you need to seek therapy for shopping addiction, and what might that therapy involve?

Signs of Shopping Addiction

Shopping addiction is not one bad weekend of overspending, and it is not a few unnecessary trips to the mall. It is a pattern that develops over time, and a pattern that you feel you have no control over. Signs you may be addicted to shopping include:

  • Piles of items in your home that you have not used.
  • Multiple credit card bills that you can't pay, or can barely pay.
  • Hiding your purchases from friends, your spouse, or other family members.
  • Turning to shopping when you are stressed out or otherwise emotional.
  • Failure to pay other bills in favor of spending the money on purchases.

Shopping addiction can vary in severity. Some patients have hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card debt, while others have a few hundred dollars they can't pay. Some have rooms full of extra items, while others have a single packed closet. Don't get too stuck on the size of the problem; if you think you might have a problem with shopping, you probably do need therapy.

Treatments for Shopping Addiction

Although there are different approaches a psychotherapist can take, most use some form of cognitive behavioral therapy to address shopping addiction. Basically, this type of therapy involves identifying the thought patterns that lead you to make purchases, and then working to disrupt and redirect those thinking patterns. Within a few sessions, you will feel more in control of yourself and better able to say "no" to shopping. How long it takes you to make a full recovery will depend; some people need a month of therapy, while others need several years.

Be prepared to learn problem-solving skills, ways to redirect your thoughts, and methods to calm your mind. You can apply these CBT skills to other facets of life, too, so therapy can be immensely useful.

Shopping addiction can be incredibly harmful financially and emotionally, and it deserves to be taken seriously. If you think you may be struggling with this form of addiction, make plans to see a therapist. 

About Me

Coming To Grips With My Condition

A few years ago, I knew that I had a problem. Friends and family members complained about my anger, but I didn't know what to do. It seemed like everything made me mad, which started to affect my daily life. I knew that if I wanted to be happy, I was going to have to learn some coping mechanisms. Fortunately, a friend of mine suggested a therapist that specialized in anger management, and that doctor saved my life. Therapy was really hard, but I worked through it day by day. I was really encouraged to see that I was making progress. This blog goes over all of the different ways therapy might benefit you, so that you can turn things around.

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